Thursday, October 8, 2009

Encounter With A Baked Flan :)

After a series of authentic recipes from Ruchira, here’s a “fhoreign” (Indian slang for foreign)recipe of a Baked Flan for the weekend !

What is a Flan?

A flan is an open-topped pie, similar to a quiche but, especially in savory versions, lacking the custard style filling. The base is of short crust pastry, distinguishing it from the tart, which more often has a puff pastry base.

IMG_2852The British savory flans may have diverged from the sweeter Spanish flans in the Middle Ages. In Latin America, the sweet flan is popular, and many local versions exist, including the Flan Napolitano of Mexico and the widespread flan de leche ,often eaten with cream.

My Inspiration

Madhulika (a very dear friend of Rohan & me) often puts interesting pictures of her successful cooking adventures on orkut.She has rightly named the exhibition of these pictures as “When Belly Rules The Mind! The pictures are very encouraging for a lazy bloke like moi!

Few days ago,she had put up a picture of a “flip-flopped caramelized baked flan” which my hubby happened to see.I knew what was coming next! The wish to have it was read out by Monsieur de Madame aloud and was granted wholeheartedly!

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I decided to make it with a recipe from .Its an amazing site for foodies who love to cook.Loads of interesting international recipes have been put down for learners like us by experts!

Check out the link for direct access to the recipe (

The flan turned out great ! Harshal ,Shraddha & Rohan survived the rockets comfortably [:P].

I hadn’t clicked any pictures while making it (it was some while ago),but have few after the flan was flip-flopped.Enjoy a different recipe :) I din’t make any changes with the original recipe,it was just so perfect !

IMG_2850 Enjoy the “Flano a la Weekendo!”


  1. Hope Rohan will be doing fine after your experimentation with this :)) good blog

  2. @ Prasanna:He sure is..he had loved the flan a lot! Thanks for appreciation :) hope you try making some preparations yourself!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "A flan is an open-topped pie, similar to a quiche"
    Vachanaryala either donhi mahit astil nahitar donhi nahi....:P
    Kharwas can be an example.
    I have always been using the Jello easy to make flan till now. But your blog has inspired me to make it from scratch and Im going to try your recipe this weekend.

  5. @ Rasika: Give it a try!My friend (Madhulika) had also made it from ready-mix (i dint know that so found a recipe)!! Hope your husband does not complain about a sudden weight increase after these adventures in the kitchen! My husband has started gymming vigourously these days and has advised me to do so too :P
