Welcome to every and all..join me in this journey of learning.Our hectic college lives and ignorance seldom find us in the closest assosiations of kitchen.Post marriage,learning to cook and carry on with our professional routines becomes difficult.We earn more and spend more (than save) on restauranting often than imagined and the output is a stressful life with heavy weight anatomy!! Lets all try to learn some of our basics together and become healthier.
Many amongst us are excellent cooks,some specialits in the creative and innovative cooking and the rest lack the talent,yet learn while they fall,rise while they crawl! I belong to the later group obviously.
What differentiates this cookery blog from over a million cookery blogs? Well,almost nothing but most everything helps it stand distinct.Inspired highly by Julia Powers's concept (of Julie & Julia fame) of preparing all the delicacies by a reknowned "cheforess".The source book that shall be used would be "Ruchira" by Smt.Kamalabai Ogale,the most common maharashtrain household name rendering the kitchens of over 3 generations.The focus would be on maharashtrain cuisine,however sufficient modernization and calorie control would be the input from this novice.
This is intended to be an interactive process of experimentation in my lab called Kitchen.Some might oppose the taming of the wonderful recipes by Kamala aji (grandmom) but the tailoring requires to be done to suite the likes of my Nagpurian husband (who prefers everything spicy mostly).I hope most of the women around would agree that to keep continuing to stay into a man's heart,the roads from his stomach should be blocked with good food so that you dont exit through his heart!
The goal of the project is to complete 300 recipes in 8 months.However,after completion of the selected recipes,a definite attempt shall be made to lay hands on the rest of them too albeit the ingredients and other pre-requisite conditions are comfortably available in US of A!
The quest begins today...
number of recipes:300
number of days:240 odd days!
As Julia Child says:Bon Appe(with an accute accent)tit.
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